A place to bring out warmth, closeness within different branches of a family tree in this busy life.
Who doesn't like surprises ! Wanna make your proposal a definite Yes, then you must go for it.
Special occassions are meant to be special, so add nature to your special day because all else is artificial.
A movie or anything box-like in today's world makes us feel bored. Add nature to your eyes...
Who doesn't like to capture Natural Greens, crystal clear water, dark forest cover, wooden constructions, different kinds of rocks.!
Why not try nature instead of the same boring concrete buildings, ACs and other artificial stuff ?
Everybody is interested to go for the impossible, why not have a glance at the possible.
Fun is always doubled when it is surrounded by nature may it be with family or friends.
Its easy to enjoy but difficult to maintain... So please keep the environment clean, its not an order but our duty.
Already lots has been destructed so its our responsibility to maintain the left ones.
Another Beautiful Waterfall one should visit in gajapati distich of odisha, which is located at a distance of 5km from Chandragiri.
Its Tibeten Temple from Gajapati, Odisha. The silence will soothe into our soul. The serenity will gift us with spiritual fulfilment.
It is the Royal palace of Krushna Chandra Gajapati, You can enjoy the exteriors of the Palace Because Visitors are not allowed inside.
Gandahati Waterfall, Gajapati, Odisha
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